Tea Time & Tragedy

Like waves on the sand are often my emotions when I’m sleep deprived. That’s not a quote I stole intentionally.

Recently I prided myself in not caring what people think. That didn’t last long.

Here’s a few tidbits bright and early this morning:

  • Having a kid pee the bed while you’re in it is not a romantic way to wake up even if it resembles a poetic scene in Anne of Green Gables.
  • I puke if I have a “hand in ice water” contest with a friend and haven’t eaten that day. (Three minutes? Seven? REALLY?? Totally worth the tie.)
  • If you go for a run after drinking detox tea…nevermind.
  • If you (accidentally) lock your cat in the girls’ bedroom and go to the mountains for 4 days there will be a stenchy problem upon your return.
  • I sent Jakie baby shopping with his brother while Cass and I had sushi and he came back with gpa shoes, work jeans, and a long sleeve shirt. Then he wore the shoes all the next day walking PDX in the same socks. (See my YUCK post if you’re looking for more of these when this is over.) The drive to Gpa E’s funeral was ripe and humid.
  • When a bossy sanguine like me is told to let other people make big decisions for me I don’t sleep.
  • I have 2.2 miles left for the week to hit my 15 mile goal on Teddy the Treadmill. No, 2.1. No, 1!
  • Here’s my morning jam: Down to the River

I’m off to have some tea–hopefully not tragedy & definitely not detox.